The ICIM L-EFT measurement service determines the pulse immunity of ICs using the P202 and P302 pulse generators. During a burst/ESD device test, the generated pulse-shaped disturbances reach the ICs used in the device under test. To test these ICs individually, the pulse generators replicate the attenuated disturbances and enable immunity analysis of each pin/ball of the IC while it is in operation. The dimensioning of the P202 pulse current generator is based on the mechanisms of interference coupling into electronic assemblies by magnetic fields. The dimensioning of the P302 pulse voltage generator is based on the mechanisms of interference coupling into electronic assemblies by electric fields.
What is needed from the Customer?
Data sheet of the IC
Test circuit diagram (in coordination with test engineer)
Test firmware with description (in coordination with test engineer)
5-10 ICs with test firmware
What does the Customer get?
10 test PCBs, assembled/unassembled, depending on the number of test ICs
The preparation of a quotation depends on the exact measurement task (e.g. number of pins, frequency range) of the customer. Please contact the sales department of Langer EMV-Technik GmbH.