Advantage of Measurements with P603 and P750
When measuring interference emission with the probes P603 and P750, each individual IC pin (e.g. QFP, QFN packages) or even the balls of a BGA can be contacted and measured individually.
The measurement is in accordance with the 1 ohm/150 ohm method of IEC 61967-4, with the networks normally connected at the pin for measurement included in the RF current or voltage probe . Furthermore, this allows the frequency range of the measurements to be extended up to 3 GHz.
What is needed from the Customer?
- Data sheet of the IC
- Test circuit diagram (in coordination with test engineer)
- Test firmware with description (in coordination with test engineer)
- 3 - 5 ICs with test firmware
What does the Customer get?
- 5 test PCBs, assembled/unassembled, depending on the number of test ICs
- Documentation of the measurement results with ChipScan-ESA software
- Test report
The preparation of a quotation depends on the exact measurement task (e.g. number of pins, frequency range) of the customer. Please contact the sales department of Langer EMV-Technik GmbH.