XF-U 2.5-1

Short description
XF-U 2.5-1型磁场探头是一个近场探头,用于选择性测量导线、SMD组件和IC引脚中的高频电流。这个探头有一个大约0.5mm宽的磁场敏感缺口,测量时将这个缺口放在布线、IC或者电容器的连接点上。
The XF-U 2.5-2 is a passive near-field probe that is designed for SMD components (pins). The near-field probe is small and handy. It has a current attenuating sheath and, therefore, is electrically shielded. It can be connected to a spectrum analyzer or an oscilloscope with a 50 Ω input. The H-field probe has an internal terminating resistance.