RF-K 7-4

Short description
RF-K 7-4型近场探头能够测量反向进入探头的环形磁场线。这类磁场线通常出现于导线、棒形结构、电缆接头和扁平单元的边缘等。该探头的工作方式类似于电流耦合钳。
The RF-K 7-4 is a passive near-field probe. In contrast to the RF-U 5 near-field probe, the RF-K 7-4 H-field probe is shielded from field lines entering the probe head laterally. The near-field probe detects inhomogeneous magnetic fields enterimg through the bottom of the probe head. Superposed homogeneous fields are not detected by the special probe head. The RF-K 7-4 H-field probe is small and handy and functions like a coupling clamp. It has a current attenuating sheath and, therefore, is electrically shielded. It can be connected to a spectrum analyzer or an oscilloscope with a 50 Ω input. The H-field probe does not have an internal terminating resistance of 50 Ω.