Positioning systems
Automated positioning solutions (IC scanners) for IC injection probes (ICI and ICI-DP) and near-field microprobes (ICR) from Langer EMV-Technik GmbH.
ICS 105 set
IC Scanner 4-Axis Positioning System
The ICS 105 IC scanner allows for measurements of high-frequency near fields above ICs. Depending on the used ICR near-field microprobe magnetic or electric fields can be measured with a measuring resolution of 50 to 100 µm. The probe can also be automatically rotated to determine the magnetic field…
FLS 106 IC set
IC Scanner 4-Axis Positioning System
The FLS 106 IC scanner is a 4-axes positioning system that allows for the movement of ICR near-field probes along three linear axes and the rotation of the ICR near-field probes on one axis above an IC in its electronic assembly. The ICR near-field probes allow for the measurement of high-frequency…